Create a modernized workplace

Modernizing your workforce in readiness for changes in the work environment to make them relevant for today and the future is a big step in the right direction. If executed successfully, it will position your business not only to remain current but soar into new heights of digital transformation.

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The recent boom in the digital economy has created the challenge of building a digital-ready workforce that is positioned to manage constant change in a continuously evolving business environment. To thrive in the digital age, you need a workforce that is always up-to-date with current technology and agile. The most crucial factor for this type of success? Human capital! To succeed, it is essential to invest money and precious time into improving human capital by providing training programs on skills-sets needed now more than ever.

It is crucial that you offer relevant training to modernize your workforce in readiness for changes in the work environment due to digital disruptions. Or to position your company in readiness to adopt and harness the power of digital commodities.

A well-executed employee enhancement program can bolster professional development and help promote a lifelong learning mentality amongst teams, making them relevant again—positioning your organization for the future of work. Most importantly, employees are helping their company soar into new heights of digital transformation!

With the modern workplace changing at an unprecedented pace and new technologies release, every day that can provide tremendous benefit to organizations of all sizes – the transition never occurs unless you have skilled staff members who know how to optimize these tools! Although the future of work is digital, technologies alone will not achieve a modernized workforce without the right skill sets to leverage them. After all, strategies are only as good as the individuals executing them.

We all know that the right ideas, strategies, and technologies can enhance and change the way we conduct business. However, the first aspect to consider is identifying skill gaps in your workforce with resources that will improve their abilities while finding a way to acquire the professionals who have the proper knowledge and skills to bridge the divide towards a digital approach. To help avoid costly mistakes when people don’t know what they’re doing or how it should be done correctly with the underlying benefit of knowledge share.

By filling your skill gaps with professionals who are specialized in specific domains or technology products, you can create a more progressive environment during the transition and learn in flight. To accomplish this task of up-skilling activities in tandem while acquiring new talent from diverse pools across all disciplines is not an easy feat to achieve. However, deep research and sound business decisions can produce fantastic outcomes so no one gets left behind because technology can make everything possible for your business.

When you combine your existing workforce’s historical knowledge and their evolving talent with your “tech-savvy” new recruits, this unison will begin to change the optics of your staff and expand their knowledge base over time.

Once this momentum gets going, expect a shift in mindsets of thinking digital-first to permeate through your company culture.
Employees should become more acclimated to using new technologies. You can start implementing new ideas, track possible disruptions, conduct incubator experiments, and implement quick-win technologies and strategies—it allows you to draw valuable feedback and insights to drive decisions and innovation.

Your company will begin to benefit by equipping its workforce with the right mindset and real-time experience to build digital skills that propel them for future-readiness and success, thus boosting your company’s capabilities and performance.

This type of transformation is hinged on your perception of your workforce, first, you need to adopt the belief that your workforce preferences and needs matter while demonstrating that they’re appreciated and valued as each individual constitutes the make-up of your company culture. Do you have a pulse on their values, preferences, and challenges(?) (something to consider).
A digitally skilled workforce in a modernized environment can use digital technology, process large amounts of data, and handle work processes with more creativity and flexibility than ever before, maximizing your operational efficiency and increasing your competitiveness in the marketplace. It pays to invest in your people!

Apart from these, to function in the economy of the future today’s workforce must develop skills beyond the necessary cognitive skills and technical specializations we know of today but adopt a techno-functional knowledge base, to operate and navigate emerging technologies and future business solutions. Such as A.I.-powered machines and applications, robots, enhanced information communication technologies, or devices/equipment from the Internet of Things, to name a few. They will need to embody the ability to think critically to proffer solutions to a problem and handle a vast amount of information that these technologies will produce or reveal while multitasking to stay afloat in situations through more executive-level thinking.

For your company to be prepared for the future, its workforce must expand its knowledge base and shift to a more digitally-driven mindset.

To conclude, if any company considers the above points, a seamless transition of a workforce ready and qualified to work, not only for today but also in the future, is guaranteed.

If you have been thinking of modernizing your company’s workforce to face current and future challenges, let us know how we can be of assistance. Helping businesses successfully transition to a digital-ready workforce is one of our key areas of expertise, so get in touch.

Solution’s that empower businesses to move from legacy to digital with ease.

Archive for the ‘Digital Economy’ Category

Create a modernized workplace

Monday, October 21st, 2019

Create a modernized workplace

Modernizing your workforce in readiness for changes in the work environment to make them relevant for today and the future is a big step in the right direction. If executed successfully, it will position your business not only to remain current but soar into new heights of digital transformation.

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The recent boom in the digital economy has created the challenge of building a digital-ready workforce that is positioned to manage constant change in a continuously evolving business environment. To thrive in the digital age, you need a workforce that is always up-to-date with current technology and agile. The most crucial factor for this type of success? Human capital! To succeed, it is essential to invest money and precious time into improving human capital by providing training programs on skills-sets needed now more than ever.

It is crucial that you offer relevant training to modernize your workforce in readiness for changes in the work environment due to digital disruptions. Or to position your company in readiness to adopt and harness the power of digital commodities.

A well-executed employee enhancement program can bolster professional development and help promote a lifelong learning mentality amongst teams, making them relevant again—positioning your organization for the future of work. Most importantly, employees are helping their company soar into new heights of digital transformation!

With the modern workplace changing at an unprecedented pace and new technologies release, every day that can provide tremendous benefit to organizations of all sizes – the transition never occurs unless you have skilled staff members who know how to optimize these tools! Although the future of work is digital, technologies alone will not achieve a modernized workforce without the right skill sets to leverage them. After all, strategies are only as good as the individuals executing them.

We all know that the right ideas, strategies, and technologies can enhance and change the way we conduct business. However, the first aspect to consider is identifying skill gaps in your workforce with resources that will improve their abilities while finding a way to acquire the professionals who have the proper knowledge and skills to bridge the divide towards a digital approach. To help avoid costly mistakes when people don’t know what they’re doing or how it should be done correctly with the underlying benefit of knowledge share.

By filling your skill gaps with professionals who are specialized in specific domains or technology products, you can create a more progressive environment during the transition and learn in flight. To accomplish this task of up-skilling activities in tandem while acquiring new talent from diverse pools across all disciplines is not an easy feat to achieve. However, deep research and sound business decisions can produce fantastic outcomes so no one gets left behind because technology can make everything possible for your business.

When you combine your existing workforce’s historical knowledge and their evolving talent with your “tech-savvy” new recruits, this unison will begin to change the optics of your staff and expand their knowledge base over time.

Once this momentum gets going, expect a shift in mindsets of thinking digital-first to permeate through your company culture.
Employees should become more acclimated to using new technologies. You can start implementing new ideas, track possible disruptions, conduct incubator experiments, and implement quick-win technologies and strategies—it allows you to draw valuable feedback and insights to drive decisions and innovation.

Your company will begin to benefit by equipping its workforce with the right mindset and real-time experience to build digital skills that propel them for future-readiness and success, thus boosting your company’s capabilities and performance.

This type of transformation is hinged on your perception of your workforce, first, you need to adopt the belief that your workforce preferences and needs matter while demonstrating that they’re appreciated and valued as each individual constitutes the make-up of your company culture. Do you have a pulse on their values, preferences, and challenges(?) (something to consider).
A digitally skilled workforce in a modernized environment can use digital technology, process large amounts of data, and handle work processes with more creativity and flexibility than ever before, maximizing your operational efficiency and increasing your competitiveness in the marketplace. It pays to invest in your people!

Apart from these, to function in the economy of the future today’s workforce must develop skills beyond the necessary cognitive skills and technical specializations we know of today but adopt a techno-functional knowledge base, to operate and navigate emerging technologies and future business solutions. Such as A.I.-powered machines and applications, robots, enhanced information communication technologies, or devices/equipment from the Internet of Things, to name a few. They will need to embody the ability to think critically to proffer solutions to a problem and handle a vast amount of information that these technologies will produce or reveal while multitasking to stay afloat in situations through more executive-level thinking.

For your company to be prepared for the future, its workforce must expand its knowledge base and shift to a more digitally-driven mindset.

To conclude, if any company considers the above points, a seamless transition of a workforce ready and qualified to work, not only for today but also in the future, is guaranteed.

If you have been thinking of modernizing your company’s workforce to face current and future challenges, let us know how we can be of assistance. Helping businesses successfully transition to a digital-ready workforce is one of our key areas of expertise, so get in touch.

Solution’s that empower businesses to move from legacy to digital with ease.

How to increase collaboration and insights across your teams

Monday, October 14th, 2019

How to increase collaboration and insights across your teams

Workplaces are brimming with data that can be used to enhance productivity and bring about improvements and efficiency to bring about better business outcomes. But sometimes, this information doesn't reach the correct teams who might best benefit from it - we refer to these challenges as "information silos."

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Workplaces are brimming with data that can be used to enhance productivity and bring about improvements and efficiency to bring about better business outcomes. But sometimes, this information doesn’t reach the correct teams who might best benefit from it – we refer to these challenges as “information silos.”

Information silos exist in the workplace for various reasons. Sometimes they are organic due to organizational structure, workplace layout, and segregation of duties. But often, it can be a result of the competitive nature among workers within one company who refuse to share their knowledge across departments/teams and internally between peers.

The term “silo mentality” is used in the corporate world to denote a lack of information sharing across teams, when a department, individual, or group intentionally retains information and is reluctant to share it with others within the same company.

Unfortunately, the typical information silos in an organization are not always due to organic reasons but rather human-invoked. Organic silos develop where the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing because of a lack of communication, transparency, or unclear team expectations – this happens due to poor organizational structure or leadership. Silo mentality, however, is usually due to the competitive nature of certain employees withholding information for control purposes, which leads them to perceived job security. Employees may withhold information for fear of losing control with hopes that they’ll retain control over what gets done and how; this usually happens at higher levels where people fear losing power over decisions, in addition to suppressing or derailing organizational change.

As you can imagine, the silo mentality is hardly conducive to a productive work environment. It only hinders overall operational efficiency and blocks collaboration efforts that could yield your organization’s desired result and outcome.

Imagine a world where all employees have access to the same information as applicable, and they can work more efficiently because their efforts weren’t wasted on trying to guess what’s going on internally. That’s why we encourage you to take steps toward eliminating your company’s reliance upon outdated practices that only serve certain groups at the expense of others’ productivity levels! Implement effective enterprise-level solutions for better management of information silos by forcing cross-departmental collaboration for the betterment of the organization and everyone involved.

Work management and collaboration solutions such as Jira and Confluence can bring about shared data within a set target and help eliminate any barriers between departments or teams who need access at different levels to make better decisions. Take it a step further and provide insights to your entire internal community while adhering to segregation of duties. Enable your business with the right mix for collaboration to establish a more effective information-sharing culture & increase agility; only share pertinent details with relative parties! Various applications can help you foster effective collaboration across teams – Control who sees what, manage tasks, track progress and collaborate on document creation easily.

So many options to explore and work management solutions can be exceptional tools to create innovative visuals that provide a clearer understanding of how teams collaborate and contribute, allowing for more efficient business practices.

Consider the capabilities of a system when choosing which applications to implement. The right mix will ensure that your company can adapt quickly and efficiently while still getting functional results, no matter how technology evolves or what business opportunities arise in this ever-changing world we live in today!

At Lo-Key, we help you get the most out of your technology to enhance efficiency and work more intelligently by allowing technology to do the heavy lifting.

Solution’s that empower businesses to move from legacy to digital with ease.

SaaS: Your gateway to seizing opportunities in today’s digital economy

Monday, October 7th, 2019

SaaS: Your gateway to seizing opportunities in today’s digital economy

The digital economy has been growing at an astronomical rate, which is a good thing as it's increased demand for SaaS applications. As technology evolves, so does the need to create a more sophisticated and diverse range of software products that will live solely in the cloud.

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It is impossible to avoid hearing about SaaS solutions in today’s world. These types of software-as-service offerings have been on the rise. They are now more widely adopted by companies across all industries as they provide easy access to solutions and new business models.

Simply put, SaaS or Software-as-a-Service is both a delivery method and licensing model for application service providers that offer IT services built on a shared infrastructure accessible directly through the cloud. For subscribers, there is no need to incur additional hardware costs or onboard additional staff members and run your business smoothly while saving money.
Users can experience instant ROI by using the application or tool and reaping its benefits immediately. Without the need to download the software onto each user’s machine one at a time like traditional software products would require, just log in – saving both time and money! However, it’s important to note that some SaaS solutions may require planning, capturing detail requirements, and having a complex configuration process before implementation. Like ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management), enterprise-grade systems require a product owner and technical expertise to configure and implement the application for production use.
Nevertheless, you can be up and running in a few months instead of years.

The digital economy has been growing at an astronomical rate, which is a good thing as it’s increased demand for SaaS applications. As technology evolves, so does the need to create a more sophisticated and diverse range of software products that will live solely in the cloud. Products such as Jira, Google Docs, Zoom, Calendly, Clockify, and Dropbox alongside traditional desktop suites powered by Microsoft Office 365!

The world of SaaS applications has been growing at a fantastic pace, and there’s no sign that this trend will be slowing down any time soon. You may want to reconsider using old software or solutions to address tomorrow’s challenges to remain
competitive. SaaS applications have become an integral part of the business world. These apps provide users with everything they need, from file storage to collaboration tools – all in one place and at your convenience! Millions of companies and individuals worldwide use SaaS applications daily to help them work better. SaaS applications have been assisting businesses to thrive, and with their upcoming integration with emerging technologies, we at Lo-Key expect it to accelerate what’s possible in business.

SaaS applications are becoming the most sought-after solutions in today’s digital economy because of the enormous opportunities available to a business it ushers in digital transformation. One of these opportunities is scalability. Because SaaS is so easy to use and elastic, companies can provision new users on-demand, work from anywhere and scale up or down as the business needs change.

As a small business or business owner with limited resources, hiring technical professionals to update the run-of-the-mill program would often require additional investment that won’t come cheap. The right SaaS application can be a great way to run your business. It’s cost-effective, efficient, and up-to-date with all new releases – meaning you don’t need additional staff or resources for maintenance work!

It can be a great way to save money compared to traditional software.

And that’s not all – The short development time of SaaS applications is one reason why they’re so popular among businesses and startups these days. They can be quickly deployed and become available for your entire workforce or end-users in just a few hours to months, depending on your business needs! They allow for scalability and mobility, which means you can release an application quickly without worrying about outdated software or systems that might slow down your business’s workflow–as long as developers continue improving it over time! Through scalability, the benefits continue being realized over time. This means there are no more waiting 12-18+ Months before getting access when an older version has been replaced with improved software. Lo-Key Solution can help you filter through these dynamics and points of consideration.

Lastly, the demand for SaaS applications will continue growing in this economy because there are considerable benefits to be derived from this model by both the end-user and the developers. There might even be other benefits that have yet to be realized via the SaaS model.

Implementing SaaS applications opens up multiple business opportunities, from faster and better customer experiences to improved internal communication, scalability, and more.

Let us help you with your decision. We have helped many clients choose and implement the right SaaS solution for their needs, so don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Solution’s that empower businesses to move from legacy to digital with ease.

Knowledge Workers vs Labor Workers: Here Comes the Bots

Tuesday, October 1st, 2019

Knowledge Workers vs Labor Workers: Here Comes the Bots

Emerging technologies will change how business is conducted and challenge business leaders to rethink how work gets accomplished. Knowledge base workers and manual laborers must seriously consider the value they bring to a given employer. Upskilling is a crucial success factor for everyday workers to enhance their value and opportunities to remain competitive in tomorrow's job markets.

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The rise of new technologies has impacted all facets of the business world, including job markets. If you wonder how workers can adapt, this article will help you understand.


Emerging technologies will change how business is conducted and challenge business leaders to rethink how work gets accomplished. Knowledge base workers and manual laborers must seriously consider the value they bring to a given employer. Upskilling is a crucial success factor for everyday workers to enhance their value and opportunities to remain competitive in tomorrow’s job markets.


We all can agree that over time technology has changed how we live our lives and introduced levels of conveniency that we otherwise would not experience without technology enablement. The same level of convenience can now be shared by businesses everywhere and across industries. There’s a new type of worker entering the labor force for knowledge-based jobs, which rely on using information to carry out tasks and often require intangible skills like problem-solving or critical thinking. In contrast, manual labor includes tangible work that requires physical strength and technical know-how to operate the equipment directly through its interface rather than via keyboard strokes. Both laborers will experience the dynamic shift in job functions, roles, or entire occupations due to the influence of emerging technologies such as RPA/software bots (knowledge-based labor) and robotics/hardware bots (manual labor).


Let’s face it, some development of a robot powered by data and AI will be the conveyance factor that most businesses can’t survive without. This technological advancement will be met by a need among companies seeking higher levels of expertise for advantageous returns that will help them grow even more rapidly than before!


Whether you are a current knowledge worker or labor worker, we all must upskill and become more tech-savvy to position ourselves to be future-ready as these new technologies become widely adopted and implemented at every touchpoint of business.


Employers will invest in more innovative ways to deliver results, making jobs more manageable for humans to perform. With emerging technologies simplifying processes, businesses are continuously seeking candidates with the right skillsets to add value to their operations, so both knowledge workers and labor workers must raise their knowledge to remain competitive in the future labor market. And that future is happening now.


Business leaders will be forced to change how they conduct business. When emerging technologies are used to automate routine tasks, they create more value for businesses. However this increase in productivity comes at a cost: robots need people who know how to use them, work with their input devices or interfaces, and perform maintenance and programming functions to maximize return on investment. The demand for knowledgeable workers who can take advantage of emerging technologies is increasing as they provide valuable insights to businesses.


It should also be noted that the labor market has been polarized; while some jobs or occupations have been stagnant over the years, lacking innovation, others have increased in wages and skill sets that align with the future of work. Recruiters are expecting more skills from potential candidates that align with this future.


In conclusion, jobs, whether knowledge work or labor work, is a collective task of manual, cognitive, and social functions that produce desired outcomes. These technologies provide workers with tools, data, analysis, and overall better insights to help discharge some of their duties so they can focus on more meaningful tasks that increase their contribution and value to their employer.


As a member of this marketplace called the labor force, technological evolution will continue to revolutionize how businesses operate, ultimately increasing the roles, responsibilities, and expectations that a given employer expects of its workforce.


The effect of emerging technologies on the enhancement of both manual labor work and knowledge-based work is still unquantifiable. More changes in the business world are expected to occur in the years to come.

Solution’s that empower businesses to move from legacy to digital with ease.