How to increase collaboration and insights across your teams

Workplaces are brimming with data that can be used to enhance productivity and bring about improvements and efficiency to bring about better business outcomes. But sometimes, this information doesn't reach the correct teams who might best benefit from it - we refer to these challenges as "information silos."

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Workplaces are brimming with data that can be used to enhance productivity and bring about improvements and efficiency to bring about better business outcomes. But sometimes, this information doesn’t reach the correct teams who might best benefit from it – we refer to these challenges as “information silos.”

Information silos exist in the workplace for various reasons. Sometimes they are organic due to organizational structure, workplace layout, and segregation of duties. But often, it can be a result of the competitive nature among workers within one company who refuse to share their knowledge across departments/teams and internally between peers.

The term “silo mentality” is used in the corporate world to denote a lack of information sharing across teams, when a department, individual, or group intentionally retains information and is reluctant to share it with others within the same company.

Unfortunately, the typical information silos in an organization are not always due to organic reasons but rather human-invoked. Organic silos develop where the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing because of a lack of communication, transparency, or unclear team expectations – this happens due to poor organizational structure or leadership. Silo mentality, however, is usually due to the competitive nature of certain employees withholding information for control purposes, which leads them to perceived job security. Employees may withhold information for fear of losing control with hopes that they’ll retain control over what gets done and how; this usually happens at higher levels where people fear losing power over decisions, in addition to suppressing or derailing organizational change.

As you can imagine, the silo mentality is hardly conducive to a productive work environment. It only hinders overall operational efficiency and blocks collaboration efforts that could yield your organization’s desired result and outcome.

Imagine a world where all employees have access to the same information as applicable, and they can work more efficiently because their efforts weren’t wasted on trying to guess what’s going on internally. That’s why we encourage you to take steps toward eliminating your company’s reliance upon outdated practices that only serve certain groups at the expense of others’ productivity levels! Implement effective enterprise-level solutions for better management of information silos by forcing cross-departmental collaboration for the betterment of the organization and everyone involved.

Work management and collaboration solutions such as Jira and Confluence can bring about shared data within a set target and help eliminate any barriers between departments or teams who need access at different levels to make better decisions. Take it a step further and provide insights to your entire internal community while adhering to segregation of duties. Enable your business with the right mix for collaboration to establish a more effective information-sharing culture & increase agility; only share pertinent details with relative parties! Various applications can help you foster effective collaboration across teams – Control who sees what, manage tasks, track progress and collaborate on document creation easily.

So many options to explore and work management solutions can be exceptional tools to create innovative visuals that provide a clearer understanding of how teams collaborate and contribute, allowing for more efficient business practices.

Consider the capabilities of a system when choosing which applications to implement. The right mix will ensure that your company can adapt quickly and efficiently while still getting functional results, no matter how technology evolves or what business opportunities arise in this ever-changing world we live in today!

At Lo-Key, we help you get the most out of your technology to enhance efficiency and work more intelligently by allowing technology to do the heavy lifting.

Solution’s that empower businesses to move from legacy to digital with ease.

Archive for October 14th, 2019

How to increase collaboration and insights across your teams

Monday, October 14th, 2019

How to increase collaboration and insights across your teams

Workplaces are brimming with data that can be used to enhance productivity and bring about improvements and efficiency to bring about better business outcomes. But sometimes, this information doesn't reach the correct teams who might best benefit from it - we refer to these challenges as "information silos."

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Workplaces are brimming with data that can be used to enhance productivity and bring about improvements and efficiency to bring about better business outcomes. But sometimes, this information doesn’t reach the correct teams who might best benefit from it – we refer to these challenges as “information silos.”

Information silos exist in the workplace for various reasons. Sometimes they are organic due to organizational structure, workplace layout, and segregation of duties. But often, it can be a result of the competitive nature among workers within one company who refuse to share their knowledge across departments/teams and internally between peers.

The term “silo mentality” is used in the corporate world to denote a lack of information sharing across teams, when a department, individual, or group intentionally retains information and is reluctant to share it with others within the same company.

Unfortunately, the typical information silos in an organization are not always due to organic reasons but rather human-invoked. Organic silos develop where the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing because of a lack of communication, transparency, or unclear team expectations – this happens due to poor organizational structure or leadership. Silo mentality, however, is usually due to the competitive nature of certain employees withholding information for control purposes, which leads them to perceived job security. Employees may withhold information for fear of losing control with hopes that they’ll retain control over what gets done and how; this usually happens at higher levels where people fear losing power over decisions, in addition to suppressing or derailing organizational change.

As you can imagine, the silo mentality is hardly conducive to a productive work environment. It only hinders overall operational efficiency and blocks collaboration efforts that could yield your organization’s desired result and outcome.

Imagine a world where all employees have access to the same information as applicable, and they can work more efficiently because their efforts weren’t wasted on trying to guess what’s going on internally. That’s why we encourage you to take steps toward eliminating your company’s reliance upon outdated practices that only serve certain groups at the expense of others’ productivity levels! Implement effective enterprise-level solutions for better management of information silos by forcing cross-departmental collaboration for the betterment of the organization and everyone involved.

Work management and collaboration solutions such as Jira and Confluence can bring about shared data within a set target and help eliminate any barriers between departments or teams who need access at different levels to make better decisions. Take it a step further and provide insights to your entire internal community while adhering to segregation of duties. Enable your business with the right mix for collaboration to establish a more effective information-sharing culture & increase agility; only share pertinent details with relative parties! Various applications can help you foster effective collaboration across teams – Control who sees what, manage tasks, track progress and collaborate on document creation easily.

So many options to explore and work management solutions can be exceptional tools to create innovative visuals that provide a clearer understanding of how teams collaborate and contribute, allowing for more efficient business practices.

Consider the capabilities of a system when choosing which applications to implement. The right mix will ensure that your company can adapt quickly and efficiently while still getting functional results, no matter how technology evolves or what business opportunities arise in this ever-changing world we live in today!

At Lo-Key, we help you get the most out of your technology to enhance efficiency and work more intelligently by allowing technology to do the heavy lifting.

Solution’s that empower businesses to move from legacy to digital with ease.