We can help you leverage SaaS more effectively

Companies use an average of 16 SaaS apps to run their business. Surprised? This isn't a surprise when you compare the benefits of using a SaaS solution for your business needs.

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Software as a Service (SaaS) has revolutionized the way we work. Thanks to SaaS, we can log in just about anywhere, on almost any device, and access the same software we use in the office. It has become so commonplace that it’s easy to forget just how revolutionary it is. There are many benefits to using SaaS.

The adoption of SaaS (also called software on demand or service in the cloud) is accelerating. It’s estimated that 73 percent of all businesses will adopt SaaS solutions to some degree by 2021. Companies use an average of 16 SaaS apps to run their business. Surprised? When you compare the benefits of using a SaaS solution for your business needs, you’ll realize its subscription models are more cost-effective than traditional licensing models, and it shouldn’t come as a surprise.

It wasn’t so long ago that software upgrades were installed manually. Adopting a new software program required a significant outlay of money to purchase the necessary number of licenses for every employee. Then, there were the updates. IT departments had to keep up with the latest versions to update on-premise servers or physically install them on every computer in their companies and reimage the hardware if warranted.

There are now SaaS solutions for just about any business need. By comparison, SaaS offers cost savings and gives companies immediate access to the most recent security updates and features available. It gives businesses the flexibility to try new, innovative solutions and the agility to adopt them at a previously unimaginable speed.

Is your company effectively harnessing the power of SaaS? At Lo-Key Solutions, we help clients ranging from startups to enterprise-level organizations to improve the quality of their operations. Our digital solutions are designed to help companies cut short-term costs, set the foundation for long-term profitability gains, achieve faster customer service, improve internal communication, and increase productivity.

Solution’s that empower businesses to move from legacy to digital with ease.